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6579 Marlborough Ave., Burnaby, BC

Blog by Wendy Tian 田樱 | April 28th, 2016

I just finished uploading this Apartment for sale, 6579 Marlborough Ave., Burnaby, BC

Introducing Midori by Polygon – an iconic tower that offers a collection of stylish residences in the sought-after Metrotown neighbourhood. With tree-lined streets, lush outdoor spaces and an over-height lobby, Midori ensures an impressive arrival. Designed by the acclaimed team at DYS Architecture, the attention to detail has resulted in a breakthrough tower that makes a memorable architectural statement. Unprecedented in the Metrotown neighbourhood, Midori features organic curves and details in a refreshing leaf-green colour, symbolizing growth, harmony, health and prosperity. Inside, the two-bedroom homes offer generous spaces that flow out to large balconies. With equal commitment to exceptionally designed floorplans, the residences boast a long list of thoughtful details and designer finishings that will elevate the pride of ownership. Just steps away, the largest shopping and entertainment complex in British Columbia, Metropolis at Metrotown, beacons with allure. With over 400 popular stores, services and restaurants to choose from, life at Midori will always be in-sync with style. Other amenities such as the Bonsor Park and Recreational Complex are also just a stone’s throw away, offering life-balancing activities such as swimming, aqua-fit, racquet sports and more. And for the urban commuter, downtown Vancouver is just 15 minutes away on the convenient SkyTrain network. Polygon在本拿比鐵道鎮Metrotown,最新隆重推出標誌性建築——Midori高層公寓大廈。 Midori周圍開闊的戶外環境蔥郁青翠,超高空間的前庭大堂每天迎送您的出行及歸來。由名聲遐邇的DYS Architecture建築設計事務所團隊精心設計打造,Midori將成為本地區一處令人歎為觀止、難以忘懷的新地標。這幢公寓大廈不僅在鐵道鎮地區超高層建築群中獨樹一幟,而且其本身流暢優雅的曲線造型,以及令人感覺清新振作的葉綠色系列建築色調,更像一首建築音詩,鳴響著極富藝術表演力的天籟之聲,在這空間裏回蕩著的自然和諧,欣欣向榮,以及無拘無束的自由自在氣氛。 大廈內部是極其寬敞的二居室豪華公寓家居,其中包括碩大的陽台,為新時代高質量的舒適宜居空間帶來全新的概念。在令人遐想無限的樓層平面圖上,您可以清楚地看到室內裝潢設計師獨具匠心、無微不至的每一個筆觸;作為未來居家業主的您, 看到這一長串量身定做、特色設計的明細表,自豪之情油然而生。 離Midori高級公寓大廈幾步之遙,就是卑詩省規模最大的購物及休閒娛樂綜合體——鐵道鎮的Metropolis at Metrotown。這裏400多家各式各樣的商店、餐館,以及服務設施,每天都吸引著大批的遊人成群結隊來此購物、遊玩。從早到晚,穿流往返,絡繹不絕。因此,家居Midori的生活節奏,將永遠與最時尚的社會潮流、娛樂消閒和新穎美食同步。本地區周圍、步行即達的其他社會服務設施還有很多,例如:Bonsor Park and Recreational Complex休閒娛樂中心裏,有游泳池、水療池、網球場等諸多活動,您可以在此運動健身,調節生活的節奏。這裏的城市公共交通也是四通八達,十分便利。乘坐快捷舒適的架空列車SkyTrain,只需十五分鐘,即可到達溫哥華市中心。