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8311 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC

Blog by Wendy Tian 田樱 | April 28th, 2016

I just finished uploading this Apartment for sale, 8311 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC

Avanti by Polygon is a landmark community that redefines stylish urban living. Just steps from Aberdeen Centre, Avanti blends the convenience of Richmond’s vibrant shopping and entertainment core with the indulgences of an exciting urban park. Setting the bar high for style, this collection of visually stunning collection of one, two and three bedroom Richmond condos the brainchild of the award-winning architects at IBI Group. Air-conditioned interiors, contemporary design, a lavish clubhouse and the latest sleek finishings inject an individualistic spirit and assure a whole new level of comfort. As a added benefit, the residences at Avanti border an amenity-packed urban park: enjoy impressive water features and an public plaza for arts and cultural celebrations, as well as interactive light installations by internationally acclaimed visual artist Dan Corson. It's the perfect balance of recreation and relaxation. Ideally situated just a short walk from the convenient Canada Line network and a myriad of shopping centres, restaurants and services, Avanti is without a doubt one of the most desirable communities in Richmond. After some retail therapy, re-energize in the inviting atmosphere of the Avanti Club – indulge in the Googleplex-inspired recharging lounge or liberate the performing artist in you in the recording studio or dance studio. For special occasions, enjoy exclusive use of the modern function lounge on the top floor, featuring a grand-scale outdoor whirlpool with spectacular views of the city. Appropriately named with an Italian word that means “forward” or “ahead”, Avanti’s idiosyncratic, forward-thinking vision allows one to be away from it all and right in the heart of it all at once – truly the best of both worlds. 緊鄰列治文時代坊Aberdeen Centre,Polygon的品質力作—Avanti焦點公寓住宅,以其超凡精緻的都市生活特色,啟動萬誘引力,成為本地區的標誌性建築。Avanti近水樓台,融合了列治文市Hazelbridge Way黃金地段的一切便利:這裏有生機勃勃、欣欣向榮的繁忙購物區,這裏有五光十色、如夢如幻的熱鬧餐飲娛樂區,這裏還有一個讓人流連忘返、樂此不疲的全新都市大公園。 獨具特色的高大框架,這系列單臥室和雙臥室居家,其外觀給人帶來強烈的視覺效果。這是屢獲大獎殊榮的建築設計團隊IBI Group的得意傑作。整棟大廈設有空調系統,具有時代感的內部裝潢,以及一個富麗堂皇、雍容大氣的私家會所,還有時尚格調盡顯的細節,各處都呈現出貼近個人的親切呵護氣氛,以及全新的安逸舒適的生活環境保證。作為一個額外附帶的得益,居住在Avanti的業主可以充分享用毗鄰的都市公園,這個公園裏的所有社會服務設施一應俱全。這裏有造型別致的水景供您休憩、欣賞;還有梯劇場風格的小廣場,人們可以在這裏舉辦各種戶外文藝及慶典活動;還有由世界著名視覺藝術家Dan Corson創作的大型戶外夢幻互動燈光藝術作品。生活在這樣的環境裏,您可以得到娛樂和休閒的雙重享受。 距Avanti幾步之遙,就是捷運系統加拿大線Canada Line車站。附近是無數的購物商場、餐館和各種服務設施。毫無疑問,Avanti是列治文市首屈一指的理想步行區,您無需駕車,就可以找到生活中所需的一切。在過足了購物閒逛之癮以後,您還可以來Avanti私家會所充充電,恢復精力。Avanti私家會所的環境親切宜人—您可以沉醉在Googleplex風格的娛樂室裏玩個痛快;也可以去錄音製作室,或者舞蹈排練廳自由地展示您身上隱藏的表演藝術天才。每逢時令節慶,位於頂層的現代化多功能文藝廳可以量身定做,充分滿足業主的特殊安排。這裏還有一個規模巨大的室外造波池,可以讓您一邊戲水,一邊飽覽四周美輪美奐的都市風景。 Avanti這個單詞起源於意大利語,意思是“前進”或者“向前”。這個詞用在這棟公寓大廈身上,真是再恰當也不過,宛如神來之筆。她充分展現了一種超凡脫俗的特殊氣質和濃烈的思維超前意識,可以讓您在若即若離和全身心投入的生活狀態之間瞬間隨意切換——絕對是一個一舉兩得的雙重完美世界。