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9399 Alexandra Road, Richmond, BC

Blog by Wendy Tian 田樱 | April 28th, 2016

I just finished uploading this Apartment for sale, 9399 Alexandra Road, Richmond, BC

Stay in, and enjoy an enclave with a host of pampering amenities. Step out, and explore a world of exhilarating lifestyle opportunities - this is Alexandra Court, Polygon’s latest collection of sophisticated urban apartment residences in Richmond’s highly sought-after Alexandra Gardens neighbourhood. The best of the city of Richmond is steps from your door: hundreds of fabulous stores, restaurants, cafés, services and recreational venues are all within a short walk. Indulge yourself with the endless dining options on Alexandra Road. Try on the latest fashion at the numerous shopping centres nearby. Hop onto the Canada Line and commute to Vancouver in just minutes. At Alexandra Court, ownership comes with direct access to the city’s dynamic core. After a long day spent out, a lush courtyard graced with beautiful water features welcomes you home. Say hello to the on-site concierge, enter the impressive lobby and get ready to enjoy your air-conditioned private retreat. An over-height 9-foot ceiling, a spa-inspired ensuite and a superbly outfitted gourmet kitchen featuring brand name appliances are just the beginning of the many thoughtful details that you will love. An impressive 12,000-square-foot residents-only clubhouse, The Alexandra Club, marks the arrival of exclusive enjoyment with a calibre previously unavailable in the Alexandra Gardens neighbourhood. Relax and recharge in the outdoor swimming pool and whirlpool. Enjoy court activities including volleyball, badminton and basketball in the indoor gymnasium. Work out in the yoga and fitness studio. Entertain guests in the sophisticated lounge, or challenge friends to a game of billiards by the fireplace. Whatever you choose to do, you will feel your stress relieved and your spirit lift in this spectacular private escape. Welcome to Alexandra Court, a vibrant community that offers an exceptional lifestyle at an exciting location. 安居家中,恍如置身世外桃源,享受方便齊全的社區服務設施的萬般呵護。提攜出行,又似漫遊大千世界,縱情歷練輕鬆愉快的生活情趣——這就是位於Alexandra Court的時尚生活情調。Polygon在Alexandra Gardens社區精心設計打造的Alexandra Court都市公寓,精益求精,實在是列治文地區深受追捧的置業熱選。 流連於五光十色的列治文中心鬧市區,您只需打開家門那麼簡單。徜徉於那鱗次櫛比的商店、餐館、咖啡廳、各類服務設施,以及休閒娛樂場所,您只需輕移玉步而已。沿著熱鬧非凡的商業大街Alexandra路,您可以遍嘗林林總總的各家美食。而周圍無數的購物中心,又讓您縱情領略時代的摩登風尚。輕鬆躍步,登上加拿大線捷運架空列車,數分鐘之內,您便可直達溫哥華。 度過了動感一天,倦鳥知返。Alexandra Court鬱鬱蔥蔥的庭院、細流潺潺的美景,迎接您的歸來。在氣勢恢宏的公寓大堂裏,跟園區內的管理員親切地互道一聲晚安,隨後便可慵懶地回到您那溫馨的安樂窩。沉湎于宜人的空調(fan coil cooling system),四季如春;9英尺高的前廳天花板所營造的空間,讓您無拘無束;愜意地浸泡在主臥浴室內的浴缸,無限舒坦。 來到設計豪華精美的廚房,知名品牌廚具一應俱全。為自己做上一點可口的美食,讓你倍感充電。環顧四周,室內設施的設計和佈置,如此絲絲入扣,每一處細節仿佛都是為您度身定做。 業主專用的私家會所The Alexandra Club超過12,000平方英尺,令人歎為觀止。大量獨有的高品質休閒娛樂設施,在Alexandra Grardens社區前所未有。您可以盡情享用室外的游泳池和漩渦噴流池,洗去您的疲憊,在瞬間恢復充沛您的體力和精神;在室內運動場打打排球、羽毛球,或者籃球;在器材齊備的健身房做做瑜伽或健身運動。您可以在裝潢精美、格調高雅的會客室內招待訪客;也可以在溫暖宜人的壁爐邊,邀上三五好友,玩上幾局桌球。無論您今日的興趣所在如何,The Alexandra Club總能充分滿足您的閒情逸致,為您舒緩工作生活所帶來的緊張,為您的精神在沙漠中找到一片逍遙自在的綠洲。 歡迎來到Alexandra Court。在這陽光燦爛、充滿活力的居民社區中,您每天都可以體會到與眾不同、令人心馳神往的高端生活時尚。