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Veritas SFU, Burnaby, BC

Blog by Wendy Tian 田樱 | June 3rd, 2016

I just finished uploading this Apartment for sale, Veritas SFU, Burnaby, BC

Located on top of Burnaby Mountain and adjacent to Simon Fraser University, UniverCity is a sustainable community that is currently home to over 3,800 residents; it will ultimately have a population of 10,000. UniverCity has the qualities and services of a modern urban neighbourhood while being steps from a natural, protected forest. A network of trails offers numerous hiking and cycling options in addition to spectacular views of Vancouver, the Burrard Inlet and beyond. Breathe in the fresh mountain air while enjoying a serene setting above a bustling city that is just minutes away. Ideal for students and life-long learners, the coveted Simon Fraser University is just steps away. This prestigious institution has been repeatedly rated Canada’s top comprehensive university by Maclean’s magazine; it has been described as an “engaged university defined by its dynamic integration of innovative education, cutting-edge research, and far-reaching community engagement.” The SFU Burnaby campus also offers many walkable amenities including an art gallery, aquatic centre, library, health and athletic facilities, and a very well stocked bookstore. UniverCity is a flourishing community where residents enjoy village-style shopping, award-winning childcare facilities and a convenient transit system. This renowned neighbourhood has won numerous awards for sustainable planning and development, including the Canadian Green Building Award, the Canadian Institute of Planners Award for Planning Excellence, and Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities Award for Integrated Neighbourhood Development to name just a few. Boasting an impressive 93 percent satisfaction rate, UniverCity residents cite outdoor recreational opportunities, access to nearby shops and services, and the community’s sustainability focus as some of the reasons why they love this neighbourhood. Also, 25 per cent of UniverCity residents use transit as their primary mode of transportation – double the Metro Vancouver average. 高居本那比山Burnaby Mountain上,與西門·菲沙大學Simon Fraser University毗鄰。附近還有UniverCity住宅園區,有3,800多戶居民居住于此,社區生活服務配套設施極為齊全。本地區的人口最終將會上升至10,000人。UniverCity園區擁有完整的現代都會市政設施,其服務質量堪稱一流。而整個區域則處在大片森林保護地之中,自然環境十分宜人。四通八達的步行小徑遍佈四周,山地徒步,或騎行自行車隨您喜好。站在登高處,可以眺望溫哥華市區,Burrard Inlet海灣,以及遠處茫茫的群山,景色極為壯麗,令人歎為觀止。這裏雖然離繁華喧囂的大都市相去弗遠,但是,高居山林,您會享受到一種難得的寧謐,以及沁人心脾的山野新鮮空氣。 這裏距令無數人心馳神往的西門·菲沙大學Simon Fraser University僅舉步之遙,居住於此,對於莘莘學子以及秉持“活到老、學到老”人生哲理的學者來說,是再理想也不過。據Maclean’s 雜誌統計,名聲顯赫的西門·菲沙大學年復一年,久居全加拿大高等學府排行榜頂尖位置。有評論這樣寫道:“西門·菲沙大學是如此真材實料、充滿挑戰的一所高等學府,她的教育創新在整體上充滿活力,各學術研究領域具世界領先地位,其社會影響力以及與社會廣泛和緊密的聯繫達到了登峰造極的程度。”西門·菲沙大學本那比校區Burnaby campus還有諸多徒步即可到達的功能性場館,其中包括:藝術博物館、水上活動中心、圖書館、健康與運動設施,還有一個種類繁多、庫存殷實的書店等。 UniverCity住宅園區是一處生活氣息繁榮的社區,這裏村落形式的商店,榮獲表彰的日托中心等設施,以及快捷方便的公共交通系統,都廣受居民的稱讚。這個聲譽卓著的社區以其完美的發展規劃佈局曾經贏得過許多大獎,其中包括:加拿大綠色建築大獎Canadian Green Building Award,加拿大院校發展統籌獎最佳發展統籌計劃Canadian Institute of Planners Award for Planning Excellence,以及加拿大聯邦都市最宜居社區獎最佳整體社區發展Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities Award for Integrated Neighbourhood Development等等,不一而足。 UniverCity住宅園區曾獲用戶滿意率評選93%分的高分。居民最滿意的方面包括:周圍舉步即達的各種戶外休閒、遠足活動,去商店等服務設施快捷方便,以及社會生活各方面均能滿足需要等。這些調查結果反映了人們喜愛居住在這個社區最主要的原因。另外,有25%的用戶以公共交通工具作為他們首選的交通方式——而這一比率比溫哥華市的平均數據高出近一倍!